Sep 19Liked by Jewell Starsinger

Yes, exactly. And doubly so regarding gay men.

Camille Paglia once noted: “Gay men are guardians of the masculine impulse. To have anonymous sex in a dark alleyway is to pay homage to the dream of male freedom. The unknown stranger is a wandering pagan god. The altar, as in pre-history, is anywhere you kneel.”

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Ah Camille. What womun! And with a mind to go with her gender. I would be as she if not for my Neptunian proclivities!

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Sep 20·edited Sep 20Liked by Jewell Starsinger

I have also had that thought about gay men (my best friend, in fact). It was strange to be a male virgin in college, because all these guys made it their duty, with proselytizing zeal, to try to make me like them, that is, "experienced." It was bizarre. Why would they even care? I guess I was some kind of living rebuke to them? Sex is sacred, and life is produced from its groanings, and to use another person as meat to satisfy one's urges . . . well, there has to be a price to be paid for that. And I suspect that it is a very sad price.

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Sep 20Liked by Jewell Starsinger

I have also had the intuition--and it is only an intuition---that promiscuous men are very close to being gay. Not the sensitive, considerate gay man, but the devil-may-care narcissistic type of gay man. After all, if it is pleasure only that one seeks then any port will do to dock that ship.

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Your insight is Archetypal! The key words, "devil-may-care" and "narcissistic" both describe the Jupiter Character of mythology. His job, as king of the gods, is to spread knowledge throughout the land. He does this as a shapeshifter who engages in sex activity with a variety of species. As I often like to point out, the Gods are Amoral. They have jobs that they perform with impunity. Our job, as humun proxies for the Gods, is to investigate possibilities of our/their actions. We are the Moral Animal standing in for our Amoral creators. But that's just what I think! What do you think?

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Sep 20Liked by Jewell Starsinger

Well, I think that the Gods might be winning. Technology seems to be making us more and more like them---machine-like in doing our jobs, and the concepts of romanticism and idealism seem to be last century. People seem to be more into legalisms than ethics. I think I can see why the Gods have to be amoral though; it is kinda like fate, or karma. But that is not my personality-type (INFP). I learned long ago to stay out of leadership positions of any kind (as if anyone would listen to me, anyway).

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Me Too! INFP

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Sep 20Liked by Jewell Starsinger

No wonder! We are a rare personality type.

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I align it with Neptunian qualities, also HSP. Those are really the same thing, different names from different disciplines.

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