Astrology & Beyond with Jewell Starsinger
That's Not What I Meant!

That's Not What I Meant!

Pronouns, nouns and The Traveler Archetype

When I thought it was a good idea to represent the material world as the feminine aspect of God (Rob Hand), and use the feminine pronoun to describe the natural world, I did not mean to change society for the worse. Sorry about this terrible misunderstanding. I hope to clear it up below so that we can go back to normal when perverts and wackos stayed in their dark night clubs because their shameful behavior was not acceptable in polite society.

Yang persists and pierces into Yin. Yin contains and transforms Yang.

Metaphysically speaking, containers are feminine, so I surmised that since the body is the container for the spirit, then even male bodies are feminine! Oops. I surmised that we could have a new perspective using “She” for men and wimmin. “After all,” I said in writing and thought, “we have used the masculine descriptor long enough! We will liberate ourselves with this new/old practice. Long live the GodEss!!!” Hooray, the future is female! Oops, that’s not what I meant!

Not so fast, dummy. Not you, me.

I did not relate to being part of “mankind”. Why is niceness “humane?”

Nor did I care for the word for my sex, “woman”. Or for the other feminine sex word, “female.” Or “human.” I didn’t have a man-grudge, no. It was more about wanting my own moniker. I wanted my feminine sex words to be different from the male sex words.

In German the words for the two sexs are different; frau and mann. In Italian; l’oumo and donna. In Spanish hombre and mujer. In French; la femme and homme. In Swedish; kvinna and man. In Russian; zhenshchina and muzhchina. I don’t know for sure, but it seems that English is the only language that describes the male sex is embedded into most of the descriptions of the feminine sex.

I longed for descriptors for me, a girl, a lady. So I respelled the bothersome words. Womun is the “womb+hand” of God. (Mun is from old Germanic meaning hand) Wimmin is from Zap Comix, R. Crumb from the late 60s. I don’t have a replacement for female, which in my head is as follows: fe=iron, male=man, ergo female= ironman. So I say Lady instead, or femme. I know this may sound petty but it’s my frikkin’ issue, okay? All I can say about that is, sometimes my issues turn out to be bigger than just me. Often, actually.

We are different, you know. When males are throwing their bodies into each other for aggression or sport, ladies are doing their best to protect themselves. I didn’t make this up. Just ask an insurance agent.

When we young mothers in the early 70s were raising boys without guns and with dolls, we found our little fair haired sons in the yard throwing rocks and stabbing each other with sticks long before they saw violence on TV. Even when their only media input was The Muppets, the boys were throwing, leaping, and running fast.

Worth vs Value

World population is too big now. I can’t say for sure, but it has tripled in my lifetime and I feel the lack of elbow room. How often do you hear this? “I went back to my hometown.”

“How was it there? The memories? The old haunts! Did you have fun?” The standard answer is consistent.

“I didn’t recognize the place. My pond is a mall. The school is a bank. The fields I played in are parking lots. The place smelled like exhaust and there were people everywhere. The traffic was impossible.” How often have you heard this? Too often.

It seemed practical that we humuns could figure out over population without murder and mass castration and genetic modification, but what the hell? When people had more children, it was common for more children to die. Ergo, when people figured out how to make more children survive, should not intelligent apes slow down the additions to match the subtractions. Population math?

I thought we could cut back a bit if we encouraged the caretaker-types to have a few kids and then the career-types to have at it in the public sphere. Those action oriented types could act as the Aunts and Uncles of society and keep the wheels of commerce spinning. That way we would grow new people with family goodness and still have a functional society. We could promote extended family values with neighbors sharing in each others’ lives, like a village. Dreaming on.

Actual diversity would allow for people to follow their interests and talents. Actual diversity would praise the poet and the banker. Actual diversity would allow varied opinions. Actual diversity would not require my compliance to current trends. And I might add. What does skin color hav to do with anything?

Why would you place a poet in the cockpit of an airplane? Obviously because it’s her turn. Everybody gets a turn!

When I said “equality,” I didn’t mean getting a factory job or digging ditches or boxing men at the Olympics. No! I meant equal value for our different qualities. Someone needed to stay home to purify the place of its filth and make a meal, but the homemaker became pariah in the 70s. I was never fit for public employment, not with this neurodivergent brain.

Same-o, same-o

Equality is not what you think. If I had been drafted into the army, I would have spent the entire time crying, so there’s that!

We are so in love with science these days. There is a ton of sex science studies. The left and right brain stuff; the boy babies who crawl out of the circle while the girl babies stay in the circle, very close to the center of the circle.


Science recently told me that babies in utero receive all the hormones and chemicals from the mom. Not just the food molecules and vitamins, no. They also get her feelings, emotions and even her dreams, so why on Earth do we send preggers out to work until they drop the baby and then make them rush back to the office when the infant still needs her?

Family values is a lie in Modernia. We say it matters, but we lie. If we really cared about families, pregnant wimmin would be eating organic meat and veg, while being massaged by Adonis-like master massage dudes. Daily. Mothers would be breathing clean air and sleeping on organic cotton sheets. Children would have their mothers at home learning the Way of the Household. Families would live together into adulthood, sharing their lives in the same location for generations. That would be a feminist world, if we really honored the meaning of the word, feminine, but we do not do that. collectivity. Communism.

If family values mattered, would we eject the children at age 18, as we do? If family values mattered would we have discarded people sleeping on the streets?

We pretend to be feminist while encouraging masculine behavior for both sexes. And now, with the trans-thing, we are erasing wimmin because men are the new wimmin. This is a bad way to lower the population. It hurts our souls.

I don’t have a problem with men in dresses, but I do have a problem with being told to shut up about it, because I think it’s weird. I haven’t hurt anyone with my opinion yet, though at times it would be a neat trick, but no!

The cool thing about being insulted is learning that it really doesn’t hurt. If anything, insults can rouse up some friendly banter and in the right hands, it can turn into a comedy routine. Why don’t we play with words rather than ban them? If you say a word many times in a row, it starts to sound stupid or meaningless. Try it some time. You will laugh.

In the meantime, mix up your nature pronouns, just for fun. Call a tree, she and bug she. It will surprise you how strange it sounds. Different.

As usual, my mantra is this: The Gods are a man and a womun. We are The One made from Them. God is a They! Creation is the One Child. Look down it’s all connected.

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Astrology & Beyond with Jewell Starsinger
We need a new world religion based The Divine Couple. Imagine a world where the feminine and masculine Divinities unite to create a Divine Moment called Life. I apply this principle to the humun experience here in a land called Modernia.