Jewell Starsinger
"Sex And The Single God"

"Sex And The Single God"

Introduction from my book

I have written this book so many times. This book will not stand still, so here it is with comments, along the way. I will publish it here chapter by chapter with an audio reading. This is the popular form of the day, so I will jump in with all my Bandwagon-ism. I love a trend. Always willing to test the latest trends, I don’t always stick with them, but I like to understand them.

One more note. You can’t find it on Google because I haven’t a clue about proper marketing. Here’s the link if you want the volume.

In this episode, I begin reading my book. This is the Introduction with my added comments, because Truth Moves, so I can’t just leave any written thing alone. Every thought gives birth to a new perspective. I love to write about my thoughts and insights. I also love to toy with my thoughts and insights. They lead me.

So here goes…


Humuns are Born To Believe. Just think of any gullible child and then put yourself in her place. We are devout believers. We believe reflexively, with a fever of the fanatic and the cool reserve of an erudite scientist. 

It is time to change God, because the Abrahamic One God religions of Modernia have shaped the Modernian mentality into a top-down rulership of one Big Boss. This is true for government, commerce and religion. Time to stop the reverence for presidents, kings and CEOs. 

The fact that it seems normal to us to pledge allegiance to a flag as One Nation under God should alarm us. This tribal boss-system rules the way we organize all factions of daily life. All that oneness and pledging settles into young minds so we can grow up governed by a strong male leader who sets the rules for us at home and in society. God and the state are punishers. Better obey, because the boss is justified. We believe in the Boss.

Society’s religious ideals govern its public and private policies, which in turn, directs its values. Capitalism is the ideal of Modernia and the One God religions are its handmaidens. If there is a global core belief system in Modernia I would have to call it The One God cult of Daddy. He is popular throughout the world and thought to be be The One and Only Deity by six billion humuns. We are currently experiencing the consequences of this unbalanced world view in the form of the literal destruction of Earth, herself. He does as He pleases as we stand by wringing our helpless hands, like the indoctrinated children we believe ourselves to be.

The three One God religions support god’s masculine identity by identifying everything through a male gaze. The God lives elsewhere, far and away in an unknowable place.  In this ghoulish scenario, the Here and Now is a nasty shit hole prison where we are just waiting to die so we can go to Far-And-Away-Land, to live with Daddy forever. 

The Here-And-Now is discredited in this story. Earth is Here-And-Now-Ville. If you understand that the physical world is the feminine manifestation of God, then it is easy to see why the father-god ideal so readily discounts the material world. She is not  a vital partner in this male dominated creation story. 

The One God story turns the feminine into a corpse, vulnerable to the whims of The One Dude. Wall Street vultures, literally "Make a killing" at her expense.  

Modernia is a violent place where hyper masculine ideals shape our behavior toward one another. The boys pray before their sporting events. They ask the Daddy God to pummel, hammer and slay the opponent. And it was good. Amen. The words we use have real effects. Modernia, is filled with upside down languaging and misrepresented genderizing. Get control of the words and you have control of beliefs. The words we read and repeat have power over us.

God is They/Them/Their/Me/You/Us

I posit that creation is made of two gods, not one and that we are the in-betweens, the serpent slithering, on the cutting edge, the crest of the wave. We humuns are not lowly worms kept out of heaven as punishment for the curiosity of a nosey girl. We are the boy in a girl-suit. The mental God inside the physical Ess.

We know our mother. Witnesses saw us emerge from her. Anyone could be the father. We take her for granted because she is available. So many stories exist about searching for our real father, the father in heaven. But mother is at home. We know where she is. No mystery, no respect. 

With the loss of the magical feminine we now have the logical but absent Father. We quest for Him and we trash our familiar Mother, deemed unholy and therefore worthless and undesirable. She sits drunk across the table from us, unable to express herself in full English sentences, the empty vessel. Ouch!

The God-Ess is returning to her place in modern ideology, but her image has been marred by derogatory descriptions and inaccurate words. Her image was tarnished and then completely buried in sands of shame, mud pits of obscurity. 

Inaccurate characterizations hurt both genders and all species. Both sexes must claim both genders to be whole. The Temple/body is God’s home, his container. If the container is so weak and worthless, how can she contain his almighty power? There is nothing to prove here. Only to understand. If there is a God, he and his Wife are the Creators of reality. They love each other so much that they have sex all around the house, all the time, enraptured. The "house" is creation, hermself. 

Truth moves, it is not set in stone. Truth can be written on stone but stone crumbles. As every archaeologist knows, it is a hassle to reunite those ancient pieces. It is so much easier to experience Truth in a moment of clarity. Seek clarity and truth will follow you around like a loyal pet. I can explain my technique for opening an umbrella in the wind, but until you try it, the words are just sounds blowing past you, disrupting your hair style. 

"Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind." -George Orwell

So hear me now. Try on some new words and feel how they fit into your essential beliefs. Maybe, a kinder word for your mother would soften and balance your experience. Cushion your Now with a friendly game rather than a fight to the death. Back down from aggression and ask yourself if in that moment you felt a strength awaken within. 

Sexual balance matters. Good sex takes two. Great sex takes two willing to give into one another, completely. 

The ills of Modernia are the direct result of an imbalanced belief system initiated by a Sun God cult of goat herders from seven thousand years ago. In defense of their flocks, they became militaristic. Their God is jealous and violent. When one of their own came along and pointed this out to them, suggesting they could be nice instead, people responded. They liked the idea of a love cult. A kinder and gentler One God. 

The kinder single god has not worked out so well for good reason. As long as our core belief rests on a singular principle, our minds are subject to the ills of all strong-man ideals. That’s Fascism. One Big Dude will save us if we just do as he says. 

Modernia has been touting the global government for quite some time, but who will rule? The World God-Emperor? Politics and religion are natural bedfellows and words are the door to their bedroom.

"One is almost driven to the cynical conclusion that men are only decent when they are powerless." - from 'The Men I Killed by Brigadier General F.P. Crozier 

Worshipping a bully has led us into the madman’s den where fear is the common value and self-hate is the prime sacrament. 

Marriage calms men. Give God’s Wife her proper place. Demote the One. Promote the Two. 

"A totalitarian state is in effect a theocracy, and its ruling caste, in order to keep its position, has to be thought of as infallible." -George Orwell


Jewell Starsinger
We need a new world religion based The Divine Couple. Imagine a world where the feminine and masculine Divinities unite to create a Divine Moment called Life. I apply this principle to the humun experience here in a land called Modernia.
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Jewell Starsinger